Sunday, August 31, 2008


I am thinking of changing my first name. I am nearly speechless. Nearly.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Picturing Politics 2008 in Arlington

I went to a thought-provoking show today at the Arlington Arts Center. In the past few months, I've been to a few art venues in the DC area that I hadn't been to before. This show is easily one of the most challenging I've seen and it inspired me to push my own work further. I was more than a little surprised to see a show of this caliber in Arlington, Virginia. There were a few pieces that really stood out for me.
- The Pinky Show says so simply in 15 minute animated interviews what I have tried to articulate for years. Do not be fooled by the cats. The work is based in political and psychological theory and incredibly insightful and challenging.
- Benjamin Edwards ink jet prints of the transmutation of Arlington with the growth of the outsourced defense department.
- Jefferson Pinder and Matt Ravenstahl demonstrate the nuances of power, conflict, resistance and the Other in 5 minutes and 4 seconds.
- Mary Coble reminds me of the dangers of social normalization in her powerful work under Electroshock "Therapy."
This exhibit titled "Picturing Politics 2008: Artists Speak to Power" had moving, touching and difficult art. It is far more substantial than many 'political' exhibits I've seen in recent years.
The show is up through September 27, 2008.

Political Discourse: How Much is Too Much?

Yes. (We can.)

Politics, An Evolving Understanding in Context

The news is out. Obama has picked Biden has his second candidate. Biden who has a reputation for, as one CNN reporter commented, for having "a big mouth." Jacques Ranciere in Ten Thesis on Politics theorized that politics occurs in the conflict of two Others, as best as I understand it. There is no politics in consensus. By that measure, Biden would appear to create Politics within the ticket itself. Uh-oh. The mayor of Denver just said that Biden doesn't attack people but builds consensus. Is that Politics?

Friday, August 22, 2008

A New Semester. A New Beginning.

One of the benefits of this program is the flexibility and play we have to design our work. In some ways it is like a rigorous two-year independent study. This semester I am following my political junkie bliss. I, who still tear up at the thought of Tim Russert, get to immerse in this historic election and create art out of this discourse and process. The fun and the fear is that I do not know where this road will lead.

Installation, Part II

In this version, I pulled together several of the more experimental pieces I did. Overall received more positive feedback.

Installation, Part I

So this is the first exhibit I created to show my work from the semester. Mixed reviews (on the eye painting especially) so I made changes. Positive feedback about the cubicle wall that I installed (learned how to drill in the process too!)